Come Join Us!
The band makes the music and the Band Boosters help put them on the field and keep them safe and happy! We have “starter” jobs that are really easy to learn and more advanced jobs that keep things going.
Every band event has volunteer signups in Cut Time. To volunteer, go to Cut Time, select and Event and find the green button for Volunteers Needed, and enter your name to claim a job. If you haven’t signed up and want to help, show up and ask for a job and you’ll probably get one.
Summer Band and OutFitting Day
Rehersals, Water and First Aid
🎵 Water - Load up coolers on the cart, fill each with half a bag of ice, get the key from the director for the outside spout between the bandhall and the theater, fill each cooler with water, and wheel it out to the parking lot. You may need two people to lift the full coolers
Place two coolers in the back of the field furthest from the director stand. Space them a good distance apart so kids on both sides have access. Put a pitcher on top of each. Keep the pictures on top of the the coolers or in the cart, do not let the pitchers sit on the ground. We use them to dip into the cooler to fill bottles faster. It will get covered in dirt and grass if it’s not protected on top of the cooler.
Place one cooler on the left side of the field as you look at it by the percussion. Keep three coolers up in the front corner area (director’s left) for filling front.
During practice, go around and check for empties while the kids are playing keeps kids hydrated. This avoids lines during breaks. Usually one person can do this while the other one stands near the coolers up front.
At the end, dump all the water out and wheel the coolers back to the area by the freezer.
When getting ice from the freezer, alert the Vice-President of Support that ice is low so that we know when to order more.
Keep first aid container stocked. If it is not stocked, let the lead volunteer or VP Elect know what is running low.
Outfitting Day
During Outfitting Day, we have about ten tables or stations. Each one of these needs volunteers. Each station needs a little bit of training, but not much. Show up early to your shift and you can probably be trained on what to do in just a few minutes.
We will have Band Booster officers there that will know what do to and can train you to do almost any job. This video shows a time lapse of what Outfitting Day looks like, showing volunteers at the various stations helping parents
Game DayS and Marching COntests
🎵 Water
Water Cooler Fillers
Help fill the kids water bottles at school before they leave for the game. Have a few coolers with half bag of ice ready for kids to fill their bottles before they get on the buses. Dump out remaining water so the coolers can be packed on the buses.
Prepping coolers for the game
The student water crew preps the jugs at school with ice in each jug, loads the carts and gets them to the trailer. Double check to round up all the pitchers because they use these for filling the kids water bottles before the kids load the buses. We need nine coolers and eight pitchers.
Once at the game, the student water crew unloads the water coolers and fills the water jugs.
Eight jugs go in the stands and one remains at the trailer trailer crew. Fill with half a bag of ice and keep the rest empty. Fill with water at the stadium and set out every other bench at the end for filling at the game with pitchers. The trailer crew jug can be filled at school and put in full in the trailer. Optionally bring a separate water cooler with just bags of ice to take to the stadium to cool water down after the coolers are refilled.
Before Halftime
When the band goes down to the field to prep for the half time, parent volunteers go into the band are and refill their water bottles. When you fill a water bottle, put it on the seat as a sign to others that this bottle has already been filled.
Once all the bottles are filled, check the levels of the water jugs and fill them up, adding ice if needed.
After the game
The student water crew is responsible for collecting all the jugs and pictures and getting them loaded back on the trailer.
🎵 Game Day Meal Server
Bus Chaperone
Helping with the Show
🎵 Pit/Sideline Crew
Sound Crew
🎵 On Field Screens
On Field Props
🎵 Photographer
Returning to the Band Hall
🎵 Uniform Check In
UIL Marching Contest
Band Escort
Pit Timing
Gate Manager
Press Box Helper
🎵 Ticket Seller
🎵 Ticket Taker
🎵 Official Stands Shusher
Band Booster Officers
Each year, we elect new band officers in the spring. Our band officers serve two-year terms. During the first year, officers serve in an “Elect” position, where they work with the current officer to learn the job. During the second year, that person takes over as the lead and trains the new “Elect” person.
President, President Elect - serves as the official leader of the boosters and runs booster matings. The President Elect is also in charge of several committees.
Vice Presidents — help the President and serve as leader of several committees.
Treasurer, Treasurer Elect — manages the money for the Boosters. The Treasurer-Elect assists the band with Fair Share Fee management and the Treasurer manages the money for the Boosters.
Secretary — keeps minutes at Booster meetings and publishes the weekly newsletter.